Religion is the devil

Isn't it interesting that there isn't an expanisive Biblical record of Jesus fighting with demons (He just took authority over them), or of Jesus in a great spiritual battle with witches, warlocks, mediums, spiritists, ect. Now don't get me wrong, all of those things are in complete opposition to God but we don't see a focus on the warfare between them and Jesus.

Even in Acts 8 when Peter stood against Simon the sorcerer (who people origionally thought was from God), It wasn't a great battle but rather a rebuke and a call to repentance. You will notice that the Evangelist Phillip didn't "see" as well as Peter did when Peter had arrived and Simon the sorcerer was walking around with Phillip as Phillip preached (we all need each other). But as it is with most people who are after "spiritual things" and not God, even if it's "about God," Simon, when asked to repent to God, he wanted the Apostles to pray for him...Arrrrgh. If we would just learn to go to God ourselves and a real relationship with God rather than just wanting stuff from God.

Anywhoo, the kingdom of darkness, the occult wasn't Jesus' worst battlefield. It was the Religious leaders of His day. The Pharisees, the Saducees, the Lawyers, the Scribes, ect.

Even though they could not deny that what they were seeing and hearing was straight from God they had to believe Jesus was from the devil because, if He wasn't then everything He was saying and doing was proving that while officiating in the House of God, and while teaching from the Word of God, and while wearing the titles of authority given by God, and even the clothing commanded by the Word of God, that they were wrong and they did not really know God at all...Actually they were worse than a high priest of the Church of satan, and for satan the religious leaders were better weapons against Jesus than witches, warlocks, or even demons. This is why blashphemy of the Holy Spirit is so serious.

But the witches and warlocks were repenting and following Jesus and even the demons were declaring Jesus to be the Son of God and they were obeying His commands. For goodness sake, we believe that if we do those two things we are definitely saved, but James 2:19 proves that these aren't the only requirements to being born again or the demons would be followers, just because they are "believers."

As we head into the move of God in the Last Days and the End Times understand that there will be heavy and strong opposition. And although we will definitely fight spiritual battles, even against principalities (Revelation 12:7-12 is proof of that) most of our biggest battles will come from religion and those who believe themselves to be Gods own authoritative representatives, but they hate His Spirit and do not understand the Word of God. It is important to note that the religious leaders of Jesus time were "experts" at studying the Word of God for the expressed purpose of recognizing Jesus when He would arrive, they were the ones who were supposed to announce the coming of the Messiah. But thanks be to God that as prophecied, the person who would actually do that Job didnt wear fine clothes, or dwell in Temples or Synagogues, or even officiate the Big holiday events like Passover. But God gave us a loud, firey, Holy Spirit fired, Prophet of God who made straight the paths of the Messiah and announced the coming of the Lamb of God...And no irony here, he also was opposed by religious leaders who John the Baptist called, "broods of vipers"

In the same way religious leaders and people who may know their Bible but they don't know God intimately(although they think they do) will reject the Holy Spirit when He shows up(the sign they don't). They think they know what the Holy Spirit should look like when He shows up, what He will do, and that He will be on their side when He comes...... But my question today is, before that battle begins...

How much Pharasee is living in me? Uncontesed, comfortable, proud, and in opposition the the Holy Spirt?...

You may be a much better Christian than I am, but there are wars that need to be won in all of us...And my forhead is already quite shiney from past victories over religious demons that would make many cringe as they watch the replays. I have been kicked out of Churches, rejected, hated, and betrayed which is actually Biblically promised to us (Matthew 5:10-12, 10:16-20, 24:9-14, e.g.). And that happened because I wanted God more than I wanted to be aligned with something that wanted to look like it was from God while denying the work of the Holy Spirit and making an enemy out of Him.... But in my own soul, my own mind, and my goes...heart... I have places of religious ideology that need to come down and be surrendered to Jesus, I have areas that because of the opposition in my own heart will not allow the Holy Spirit to burn all through me and consume me.

My encouragement today is to come before the Lord and ask Him to search your heart as King David did when he said,

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” ~Psalm 139:23-24~

If there is anything in us resisting God and His Holy Spirit attack it like it is the devil...because it is. Remember what Jesus called Peter when Peter came against the plan for Jesus life? Like I said it is!

As we begin to walk together as a Church in these last days I pray that we would all begin to walk in the wisdom that God gives by His Spirit a wisdom that if the religious leaders of Jesus day had understood, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory!!! (1 Corinthians 2:6-9 emph v8)

And understand that if there is anything in us that is in religious opposition to the Holy Spirit, then when religion comes to stand against the move of God, you may end up standing in the wrong side of the battle because your heart is in more agreement with the opposition than it is in agreement with the Holy Spirit of the Living God. If we say the words, "I have relationship and not religion" then let that motto inspire a war against everything in our heart, soul, spirit, body, and mind that stands in opposition to the Holy Spirit of the living God. It's full surrender, or nothing!

This was just supposed to be a short post, LOL!

Daniel Paul


Is God’s Word “Good?”


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