Who are we? What do we believe? What do we do?

Before we say anything else…

Those are the questions most people have about any ministry they are listening to, watching, or working with. This is the section where we answer those questions and as we do that in detail I think before anything else it is important to say that our strongest calling is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are very much a 1 Corinthians chapter two ministry, we believe in preaching the Word of God with demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit so that the faith of the Church will not be dependent on the wisdom of man but on the power of God. Although we operate in different giftings and teach the operation of ministry and gifts of the Spirit, we have always believed that the straight forward Gospel of Jesus Christ is the highest ministry calling of all believers.
As 2 Timothy 4:2 says; “ preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and exhort, with great patience and instruction.
And why does the Apostle Paul give this instruction? Because of the very next verse of scripture in 2 Timothy 4:3
“ For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires.”
The same Gospel of Jesus Christ that leads to salvation for all who believe it and follow Jesus and His Word, that same Gospel that tells us that if we want to follow Jesus we must first lay down our own life, take up our own cross, and then follow Jesus, that same Gospel also teaches us that there is a life to be lived in Christ as individules and as a Church Body. There is definitely more to the true Christian life then just reading a little Bible daily, saying a couple of short prayers throughout the day and then living your life just the same way as you would without Christ with the exception of a few moral laws or rules that we might keep or follow. We like many of you have walked in both realities and we have learned that a life lived in Christ is to be lived in the power of His Word and His Spirit and that a life like that looks much different than a life lived in this world with a little religion sprinkled on top.

Who we are, our testimony, and our calling

Who we are, our testimony, and our calling? Now that could be a long story, but in the interest of keeping it short and straight to the point I will just share some of basic highlights. Holy Spirit and Fire Ministies is the ministry of Daniel and Rochelle Hoskins as well as everyone who we have partnered together with in ministry over the years. God had been dealing with us in our relationship with Him for many years, but the ministry and the anointing we walk in didn’t really begin until about 1998 even though the calling had been there for a long time.
At that time we were both “Christians” but we had not yet learned to surrender to God or His will, we were lukewarm and though we both loved God and His Word we were not following Jesus with our full hearts, which actually means that we were separated from Him although we believed we were with Him, which is a dangerous and decieved place to be. But that was all about to change.
It was in 1998 that God begin to really transform us and the ministry that He was calling us to.
I guess to give a good beginning point it was when my oldest Daughter who was about one and a half at the time, became seriously i’ll. We went to Doctors but they were having trouble finding the issue but they believed from her bloodwork and from her symptoms that it could have been cancer. There are so many things that happened during that time but basically my Daughter was radically healed. My Wife and I were attending a non-denominational Church at the time, and it was a very sweet, loving, but lukewarm Church that was completely indifferent to the ministry of the Holy Spirit or the power of God. Among the Pastors there were a couple who really had always desired to see the power of God move and to see healing in the Church body. These Pastors had been praying with us for our Daughter and when she was healed they were very excited, so they asked us if we would share the testimony of her healing.
That Sunday as I spoke from a pulpit for the very first time in my life the Lord was with us and I could feel the Holy Spirit in the Church as I relayed the testimony and all that had happened and what God did confirming His Word. One of the Pastors began weeping as the Holy Spirit touched him while he was listening to the testimony.
After that point God really began working on us only this time we were listening and responding to Him. He had taught us so many things through the time of our Daughters illness, He had taught us about the power of the Blood of Jesus, He taught us what it was to walk in faith and believeing His Word, and He began to reveal His Word to us in many new ways.
It was during that time that Holy Spirit spoke to me (Daniel) as I was laying on the couch reading. He told me to get off the couch and go to the nearby town of Prineville Oregon and that He would show me where to go when I got there. I ended up parked in the parking lot of the Assembly of God Church which my Grandfather had Pastored about thirty years before I sat in that parking lot, I was later to find out that I had also been dedicated to Lord at that Church.
It wasn’t long before I met the Pastor who was a man that was on fire for God and was challenging his Church to go farther with God and to walk in the Spirit, this Pastor really was after revival and wanted to see a move of God in his City. I ended up working very closley with the Pastor, we worked very much as a team along with other ministry in the Church.
It wasn’t long before the revival that the Pastor and the rest of the Church had been calling for actually came, and wow did it come. There were times when the Holy Spirit fell on my Wife and I so hard that we were actually having trouble doing the normal functions of daily life. Whenever His Spirit would touch us we would be completely undone and we would just burn in the presence of God and although it was very awesome, at that time we were able to very little else. Either we would be caught up in prayer for hours, or deep passionate studies in the Word of God, as well as the fact that God had began to give me many visions, and began to use us in the prophetic ministry. We were finally passionatly burning in His Spirit and His Word and God began to use us in the Church as He had never done before.
It was during that time that we actually asked the Lord to help us because the weight of His Glory was so heavy and strong that we were having trouble functioning in daily life, and though we loved His presence being so heavy it was almost too heavy at the time. The Lord did help us and took the intensity off of the level of His Glory but His Spirit was still on us very strong. During that time we not only were involved with the revival meetings but we were teaching a prophecy class where the Spirit of God would move in the class and everyone in attendance was growing in their various prophetic gifts, which was very exciting.
At one point the revival meetings went for over a month almost non stop, we had lines of people getting baptized, people being filled with the Holy Spirit, healings, and many other things. At the time I believed that this would just continue to happen until Jesus returned and that God was raising up His end times Church. But the truth was that even though the revival was intense and many people were being touched and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the the Word of God, there was also great opposition from Church leadership at higher levels, and many members of the Church. We were soon to find out that most of the Church that we would encounter for the next years of ministry would love religion more than Jesus, outward appearances more than inward growth and change, and false prophecy and prophets rather than the Word of the Lord and truth. We traveled from Church to Church preaching, teaching, prophecying. Most of the Churches that we went to were Churches who were seeking revival and a genuine move of God, but as we were to find out very few Churches wanted to do the things God was asking them to in order to facilitate a move of God’s Spirit in their Church body. So we witnessed many revivals that began as a move of God eventually fizzle out as most of the Church was unwilling to pay the spiritual cost of revival. Many of them did not believe that what they were seeing was God because of years of being taught the false prosperity “best life now” doctrine which actually isn’t Christianity at all, and because of this false doctrine the true Gospel was actually repulsive to the very people who claim to champion it. We learned that the true Gospel can either call us to repentance or rebellion. That the truth of the Word of God will either be treasured by those who love God, or it will be reviled by those who love this world and their own lives but at the same time need to believe that they are somehow walking in God’s will as a follower of Christ.
We have been preaching, and teaching, prophecying, writing, and ministering many various ways since that time. We have been eagerly awaiting the time in history that we refer to as “The Bride Age.” We have known for a long time that the greatest time of minstry for us as well as many others will be the during the “end times” or “last days” as described in the Book of Revelation.
This website is a way for us to communicate the message God has given us for the Body of Christ (the Church), we ecourage you to join us in our Zoom Meetings, live teaching and preaching, or anything else we are doing. It is our strong desire to see the Church grow up fully formed and equipped in everything that we are called to be in Christ.

What We Believe

We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of the living God, we believe because of many indisputable truths that God Himself is the Author of the Bible and that it was written by holy men of old as they were moved upon and inspired by the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the heart and mind of God to His people.

We believe that mankind is born into a fallen world and that since the fall of man to original sin that we are born into this world with a fallen nature. We believe that in order to receive eternal life that we must first recognize that we are sinners (people who are separated from God) who need God and that our salvation can only come through Jesus Christ (John 14:6), We must repent for our sin before God and turn away from the things that grieve the heart of God, we must receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and commit to following Him with our full life.

We believe that to everyone who receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior with a genuine broken and contrite heart that the Blood of Jesus which He shed as He died on the cross, that His Blood will cleanse us from all unrighteousness and sin that we have done and we will stand blameless before God as sinners saved by the grace of God. We believe as Jesus said, that no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless we lay down our own life, take up our own cross, and then follow Jesus, and that whoever wishes to save his worldly life will lose it but whoever gives up his life to follow Jesus will find eternal life (Matthew 16:24-27).

We believe that we must confess the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and that those who refuse to do that will not have eternal life (Romans 10:8-13, Matthew 10:32,33).

We believe that all who wish to have eternal life with God must be Born Again (John 3:1-16) and that as a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we are transformed spiritually into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and that as we live our lives in Christ we will continually be changed from the inside out and that without relationship and a life lived in Christ we cannot be changed the way God wants us to be (John 15: 1-11)

We believe that after receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that every believer is to be water baptized which represents the Believer going to their physical death the way Jesus did, and then coming to life for eternity the way that Jesus has done. (Acts 2:38, Romans 6: 1-14, 2 Timothy 2:11)

We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in other tongues (Acts 2:1-4). We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an important part of spiritual life of the believer and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is just as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago and that after repentance and water baptism that every Believer should be baptized (filled) with the Holy Spirit of God (Acts 2:38, 39)

We believe in the Church and that the Church structure, function, purpose, leadership, and calling are explained, defined, and taught in the Word of God, and that the Word of God by the leading of the Holy Spirit is the ultimate authority and instruction to the Church.

We believe in the function and authority of the “five fold ministry” as revealed in Ephesians 4:11 and that the use and need for these ministries is further defined in Ephesians 4: 12-16. We believe that in these last days God is raising up the true Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.

We believe that the Church will preach the Gospel to the whole Earth until Jesus returns, we believe that upon the glorious return of our King Jesus Christ that He will gather all those who believe to Himself, the dead in Christ first, then those who are alive and remain. We believe that this even will take place sometime after the Biblically prophesied “abomination of desolation,” during the time of “the great tribulation.”
(Matthew 24:4-31, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)