Welcome to Holy Spirit and Fire Church Ministries

Where we will be and what we have to offer

The Seven Letters

Follow the progress of our first book, which will be seven letters to the Church concerning the end times and the last days.

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Live Events

Revival meetings, Zoom meetings, recorded preaching/teaching/prophecy, Home Groups.

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Bible Studies

Our live, online, and printable Bible Studies.

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Upcoming Books!

We are in the process of writing three different books. Each of these books are birthed out of the message that God has given us for the Church of the last days and the end of the age.

The Seven Letters - The seven letters are seven visions that the Lord gave to me in the late nineties which were written down in their entirety in 2003. This year the Lord impressed upon me that it has been 21 years since writing the Seven Letters for the first time and now it is time to write them as a book and release them to the Church.

The Bride Age - What do we mean when we say “Bride Age” and how is the Bride age diffent than the Church age? Where are we in Church history, how can we be certain that these are the end times? What exactly is the five fold ministry, how does it look and how does it function? If the Church of the last days will be without spot or wrinkle, does that mean there will not be any sin in the Church? What does the Bible say about an end times revival of the Church? Why is the Bride age diffent than any other time in Church history?

The Calibration Block - The calibration block is a challenging walk through scripture that focuses on the life of the individule believer. This book will reveal throughout scripture what it means to follow Christ according to His Word. For too many years the message of the Gospel and the teaching of the Word of God has been watered down to a very weak, inemic, and worldly message, that lacks the power of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to come into allignment with God’s Word? What does oit look like to be a true follower of Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives? How do we grow in the gifts of the Spirit?

Check on our progress and see where we are with our book projects