Is God’s Word “Good?”

Many years ago the Lord taught me that we as people judge His Word to be "good" or "evil" and we try and strain it out through our own filter which is usually the heart and intellect, so that we (so grievious) can deliver it to people "in a way they can recieve it."

We tend to listen Him selectivly and then wonder why we can't hear Him when He is speaking right to us (because we don't really want to hear what He has to say). We say "don't judge" and yet we judge God and His Word and what He should or should not be saying to us or to others and we even question His motives and His character.... Ugghhhh, and then we say, "the Church needs to have more fear of the Lord?" What about ourselves? Then when we do hear His Word we start to think that God needs our help in saving His reputation, you know, He just needs to "get people" a bit better. We start to think that it becomes our "ministry" to become God's P.R. guy.

Or when we see something in someone that we think in our own judgement must be addressed, so then suddenly "God has something to say." BTW, on a side note, I have never heard the statement, "God would say to you" followed by an actual Word from God, in my experiance that statement is used to get "Gods validation" on someone's personal opinion. That comes from a spirit of manipulation and control. This is what is called "ther sin of presumption" (presuming to know what God would say), either God said it or He didn't, it is His Word or it is not

So one of the biggest lessons He has taught me about His Word is that His Word is "Good" His Will is "Good" and His way is "Good." It also changes the way a person worships God, when we worship Him because He is "Good" and His ways are "Perfect," do we believe that? Or are only the attributes of God we want to see good and perfect? And then only after it has been through our filter.

Many will say, "God loves us just the way we are." which is true, but He didn't accept us the way we were otherwise there would have been no need for salvation in order to spend eternity with Him. And though we are Blood bought, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, and filled with His Holy Spirit, He continues to strip us of the things that are not Him(the vine dresser. John 15) and change us from glory to glory, because "the way we are" needs to contually change if we want to get closer to Him, and in His great mercy He changes us, and loves us while we still need transformation.

The key to true worship, true surrender, hearing His voice, and to truly love God with all your heart, with all of your mind, and with all of your strength, isn't to ask God to love you the way you are.... It's to love God the way He is!!! To love His Word, to embrace His will, and to walk in His ways learning to understand why He is right, and true, and His Word is "good." Until then you can never say "I love you Lord!! All of you you!!! His love for us is unconditional because it is pure, and in return the purest way we can love God is unconditionally the best way we can this side of Heaven...This is my encouragement today.

In His Service,

Daniel Paul


Qualifying the hidden


Religion is the devil