Qualifying the hidden

The most qualifying aspect of a ministry isn't the level of anointing, gifting, knowledge, delivery, the message, or the attire, but rather it is the character in the messenger. For many including myself (I am a hard case) the message came quickly but the character not so much, because it took a surrender that I couldn't or wouldn't do because of my naturally rebellious and hostile nature (Thank God for Hebrews 12:1-11). I am a work in progress and have been for most of my life and will always need to improve, which is God's doing and is as much of a miracle as seeing the dead raised, espessially with a character like mine...lol.

But some levels of character are completely disqualifying, they render you useless to do the work of the Gospel and building the Kingdom of God no matter how much talent, anointing, or ministry gifting you have. No one wants to be in that place, it is a horrible place to be, and we need to search ourselves and have the Holy Spirit search us to see if there are any unright motives, any unchecked issues, as Paul said to the Corinthians, "examine yourselves to see if you are of the faith" (2 Corinthians 13 emph v5).

In these last days God is raising up many to work the coming harvest, and this harvest will not be easy, it will be a difficult harvest filled with as much adversity as there will be victory...and there will be victory. God is raising up "hidden ones" all over the World right now to share the Gospel with power, a Holy Priesthood that will be very familer with a Church and ministry that looks like 1 Corinthians chapters 1 and 2 who walk in the understanding of Matthew 16:13-26, and who will preach matthew 7:13-29 to a Church that has lost it's way.

As we head into this new day of the Church called "The Bride" of Christ, God is raising up Leaders who will love Him more than their own life and who will give themselves for the Church which He also gave (Ephesians 5:22-33). Thats a lot of scripture but it is only the beginning of what should be burning in our hearts if we want to be used to minister His Gospel to a lost and dying world and to the Church that He is litterally married to.

Ok, well, thats another 'longer than inteded' post, but it is what is in me today...Now back to reading James chapter 3:13-18 because the understanding of this little part of scripture will be the "make or break" of a lot of minstries moving forward.

Daniel Paul


Simple Deliverance


Is God’s Word “Good?”