A Comment as a Post

Comments as a Post

Today is a comments in the posts kind of day. By that I mean as I was commenting to other posts on Facebook, and as I looked at the comment I really wished I had made the comment as a post. maybe you know exactly what I'm talking about I think many have done the same. So instead of a normal post I'm going to put up the post's and the comments I submitted....here goes....

Origional Post from my friend Andy Burkett asks this question - "Simple question, What saved you? Being scared of death and hell, or Jesus love?"

Its a great question and a question everyone should visit. You may agree or disagree with my answer, but either way this was the comment, a comment that I believe is a pretty good Bible Study as we should go to scripture with the leading of the Holy Spirt over any question we have....

Comment - I'm a Roman's 11 guy. Roman's 11:22 being kind of the center piece of the cake. Two of the most perverse forms of Christianity I have seen is a person or people that is fully devoted in their faith out of a singular motivation on one or the other side. Every now and then I will hear somebody say, "I've been in the presence of God! And I felt His love so strong!" And I'll say, "Go a little farther." The Isaiah 6 moments are where I want to be I want to be in the place where Daniel and John fell as a dead man in the awesome presence of God only to have Him pick me up and strengthen me so that I would run with His Word, passion, and power and not my own. My own zeal dies fast, my faith like the waves of the sea. But His mercy endures forever...we must ask ourselves, "why do we need mercy?" Because without it we are hopelessly lost.

Bible Study - First compare Romans 11 to John 15:1-17 (understanding that verses 18-27 further define what a legitimate branch looks like) and realizing that Matthew 7:13-28 is as relevant as 1 Corinthians 13.

The other post was made by a Texas Pastor who puts up a lot of great posts and videos, This is what he posted.... "Have you ever felt like you were unable to do anything in the midst of your circumstances?Authority is the right to act. Authority means nothing if it is not exercised. Ever felt like you were ripped off by the enemy? The enemy is a cut throat lawyer you better know your rights."

Again another great post that begs the question' "What authority do we have in Christ?" This was the comment, and as in the last post, whether you agree or disagree it is a good Bible study.

Comment - Interestingly enough as a prosecuting attorney the accuser twists the Word of God against God's own people (Revelation 12:10) causing them to doubt God and turn on the very solution to the problem causing the person to come into agreement with the Devils indictment rather than God's true judgement (Daniel 7:25-26, John 16:11).....But to those who stand with God's Word and use His authority powered by His Holy Spirit, the prosecution has no case and ends up having to defend himself in a case of fraud against God's own people (1 Corinthians 6:3)....Remember what satan said to Jesus when tempting Him in the desert? (Matthew 4:1-11)..."If you are the Son of God"...he questioned Jesus' identity (and he will question ours)....then "save yourself" (he will tempt us to do the same)......But for us who believe Jesus Word and obey Him we will lose our lives to save them (Matthew 16:25) and we will destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) with our God given authority (Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:17-18)given to us by Jesus the Messiah the legitimate Son of the Living God! And how did Jesus Identify Himeself? (John 11:2-6)...And we are His Disciples if we believe His Word and obey Him!

I thought these comments were good Bible studies and they became my morning Bible Study today.



Religion is the devil


Hearts Desires?