Our hearts, God's will, and the end times.

This is a Bible study series I am doing on "the end times" or "last days" as described in the Bible. This first video is concerning the heart and attitude of the believer as we are going into these amazing times. Is our heart in alignment with God's will?

Scripture references I should have mentioned -

1) Let each person be convinced in themselves of what they believe - Romans 14: 1-6

2) Be anxious for nothing - Philippians 4: 6,7

3) Peter receives the keys to the Kingdom, rebukes Jesus, and then Jesus

rebukes Peter. - Matthew 16: 13-27

4)Peter is told that satan has demanded to sift him like wheat - Luke 22: 31-34

5) Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus the high priests guard - John 18: 10,11

6) Peter denies Jesus - Luke: 22: 54-62


Moses, the Ark, the Stones, and Jesus


Matthew Chapter 24 End Times Bible Study (Part 2A)