Revelation 12 (part 1) - Israel, The Dragon, and the War in Heaven

This is the first part of Revelation 12. It is done in two parts to be able to better sort out the allegorical

understanding of the text.

~ Scripture References ~

~ The Woman clothed with the sun, moon under her feet, and a crown of 12 stars.

- Genesis 37:9,10

~ The Child

- Genesis 3:14-16 (emph. on 15)

- Numbers 24: 7,17 (compare)

- Isaiah 6:13, 7:14, 9:6,7, 11:1-5

- Jeremiah 23:5,6

- Micah 5:2-5

~ The Dragon identified

- Revelation 20:2

- Revelation 12:4,7,9,13,16/ 13:2,4,11/ 16:13/ 20:2

~ Seven heads, ten horns, seven diadems

- Daniel 7 (optional reading)

- Revelation 17:8-13 (v14 helps identify timeline)

- 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9

~ The Fallen One, and 1/3 of the Stars of Heaven

- Ezekiel 28:11-19 (The "King" of Tyre)

- Isaiah 14:12-16 (the 5 "I wills", emph. "Stars of God" v13)

- Luke 10:18

~ Herod tries to kill the child(Jesus) to remove (satans plan to kill the seed of Messiah)

- Matthew 2


Revelation 12 pt2 - The War in Heaven and the War on Earth


Revelation 11 - The Third Temple and the Two Witnesses