The Rapture (part 1)

Our scriptural references

1) Matthew 24 (specifically versus 29-31)

2) Matthew 21:18-22 - Matthew 24: 32-35 (concerning the fig tree and the Nation of Israel timeline)

3) Daniel 9:27 - Matthew 24:15 - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (concerning the Apostasy of the Anti Christ)

4) 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

5) Revelation 7: 9-14 (How could they have come out of it unless they had been in it?)

Vocab words

1) Theology - The study of God (more specifically this refers to the study of the Word of God)

2) Eschatology - A branch of Theology concerned with the final events of history, the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the Saints, and the final judgement.

3) Rapture - (derived from the Latin Rapio or Rapiemur) Meaning to seize, to snatch, to carry away, or to be caught up in to the air.

4) Harpazo - (Greek) (Strongs Concordance # 726) To catch, to seize, to pluck, to pull, to snatch away, caught up.


Matthew 25 The End Time Believers


The Rapture (part 2)