Personal Revival

If you wan't to see a move of God then stop chasing revivals and movements and go after God with your full heart. Wait on Him for the move of God to happen in your own life, then it will begin happening around you. Stay in the Spirit walking with Him in His Word and in prayer staying close to the Lord everyday and continue to walk in that fire.

I warn you now, if you do this you risk the likelyhood of having revival in your own life, I will also warn that this is contagious and may affect those around you. Another warning....This will cause everyone around you to have to make a decision, are they going after God with their full heart or will they need to distance themselves to not have to make decisions.

people will start to treat you the same way they treated Jesus...Jesus said,  “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master.  It is enough for the disciple that he may become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they insult the members of his household!”

As we are moving forward into the last days and the end times many are looking for the next big revival to get them excited about following Jesus and to experiance a great move of the Holy Spirit. But the truth is that the Church is supposed to be walking in that all the time. Too often we see the practical need to live life and its challenges and also at the same time walk through this world as a "Christian" but we forget that there is only one way to walk this world as a Christian which is fully given to Jesus and fully living in obedience to preach the Gospel to all the world until He returns. To use our spiritual gifts so that as an assembled Church we have become a place where the World knows that God is among us and that the Word of the Lord is found us, and the power of God is found in us.

If we lay down our own life, take up our own cross, and then follow Jesus with all we have, then we will become a walking revival. We will become a living message that calls all men to repentance and to become a part of the Kingdom of God.

I always find it interesting that in Matthew 10 Jesus gave His authority to the Disciples to heal every kind of sickness and disease, and to cast out demons. But right before Jesus left earth He told His Disciples not to do anything until they have recieved power from on high. Isn't it interesting that the Holy Spirit was needed for power but it wasn't power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, or even to preach the Gospel, the Disciples were already doing those things!

The power they needed was the power to walk connected to the Kingdom of Heaven, full of the dunimus (dynamite) of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did many miracles, He cast out many demons, He raised the dead, and preached the Kingdom of God everywhere He went....But He always ended up slipping away to go and pray and be in the presence of God. Jesus needed strength that only comes from being directly connected to God by His Holy Spirit...and we need it too!

My encouragement today is to realize that there is no human on this earth with enough "anointing" to impart a personal revival into your own life, there is no movement so powerful that it will connect you to the Holy Spirit daily for the rest of your life...We have to to go after Him ourselves and corperatly. Jesus said, "If two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst." If we come together as a Church genuinly seeking the presence of God and calling on the Holy Spirit to ignite a real and powerful fire among the Body, that is something that Jesus already said He was in agreement with (Luke 12:49). So this is one prayer meeting we can hold where we know Heaven is in full agreement with our petition and our desire. As Jesus said,

" If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." ~John 15:7~

But James 4:3 says," You ask and do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend what you request on your pleasures."

What we are asking God for is something that He already wants us to have, but our motivations can be an issue. We need to fully desire to be full of God just because we love Him and want to commune with Him. Then our pure desire is that everyone we come into contact with would have the same thing.

If our hearts are right and we are after God with our full heart, and we are calling on the Holy Spirit to come and start the fire of revival in our own life, then it will happen in fact John 15:7 makes me sure of that as well as Acts 2:38-39.

There is a promise given to those who wait upon the Lord famously found in Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

We need supernatural strength and power to walk out our faith effectivly. We need strength that comes form outside of ourselves and it is found in the Holy Spirit and the fire of God. You cant get it from someone elses baptism, we can encourage each other, and help each other, but we arent each others Holy Spirit.

In the same way that the Dsiciples waited in the upper room until the Holy Spirit came, and then immediatly went out preaching the Gospel and the kingdom of Heaven, this is the call of every Christian, no matter the gifting, the calling, or the office.

Daniel Paul


God Esteem


Simple Deliverance