Hot Air Balloon

November 19, 2016

A hot air balloon is tethered to the ground by many ropes, after it is filled with air that is heated by fire, the tethers are loosed and the balloon is set free to travel where ever the wind takes it. All who are still on the ground marvel and show each other the splendor of the flying spectacle. But what if the balloon were to have all it's tethers loosed except one? Why it would still be bound to the earth even though it was bound with just one rope! Not only that but the balloon would be listed off to one side, off balance, and flying lopsided while still bound to the earth...what a mess! You and I are like that balloon if we are in Christ, we are filled with the spirit which is heated by the fire of God, and the beautiful colors and designs of the balloon are like the Gospel which is to be on display to the whole earth, the higher we go the less people see us but more people see the Gospel (the balloon). BUT, if we are still tethered to the earth we will never live our destiny in Christ to share His gospel to the whole earth. And yet there is even a worse be tethered by just one rope, one sin or false God that keeps us tied to this earth, off balance, and horribly twisted.....But when the rope is cut we will fly into the destiny God has planned for us and that we were born to fulfill......My encouragement today is, as the Apostle Paul free from the sin which so easily entangled us! (Hebrews 12: 1-3)Get ready to run your race! Cut loose the things that bind you to the earth! Get Up!.....It is time time to let go of this world and put the Gospel in display full of the Spirit and the fire of God!

- Daniel Paul -


The Box


Walking past unbelief