Revelation Chapter 4 - Before the throne

John is transported through a window in Heaven in the spirit. Immediately he is before the throne of God. What did he see. Join me is this short little chapter which is packed with more pieces of understanding than it might appear at first glance.

~Scripture References~

- Beginning comments scriptures -

- Colossians 3:8-14, Romans 10:12, Galatians 3:28

~Bible Study~

- 2 Corinthians 12:2-5

- Matthew 19:27-30

- Revelation 21:12-14

- Revelation 11:15-17

- Revelation 7:9-17

~What did he see?~

- Sea of Glass - Ezekiel 1:22, Revelation 15:2 & 21:18-21

- Full of eyes - Ezekiel 10:12

- 6 wings - Isaiah 6:2

- The four creatures - Ezekiel chapters 1 & 10

~ The eleven visions of God list~

1) Jacobs Ladder - Genesis 28:10-22 (emph. on v12,13)

2)Moses,Aaron,Nadab,Abihu,70 Elders - Exodus Ch. 24 (emph. on v9,10)

3) Moses saw the back of God - Exodus Ch. 33&34 (emph. on 33:23)

4) The Prophet Micaiah - 2 Chronicles 18:6-8

5) Isaiah saw the Lord - Isaiah Ch. 6

6) Ezekiel Ch. 1 (emph. on v26)

7) Ezekiel Ch. 10 (emph. on v1)

8) Daniel 7:9,10

9) Stephen the Deacon - Acts 7:55,56

10) Paul the Apostle - 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (emph on v2)

11) John - Revelation 4:2

~24 Elders~

- Revelation 5:8-14

- Revelation 7:11,12


Revelation Chapter 3 - The letters to the seven Churches (Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea)


Revelation 5 - The Lamb of God