Jeremiah 23 because Jeremiah 28 is coming (civil war prophecy)

Lately I have seen more and more videos and articles that are calling out Church leaders who are misusing their positions, the Word of God, and the gift of prophecy to exalt their ministries which has caused much of the American Church to start to go into a tailspin concerning their identity which in many cases was not founded on Christ allowing self exalting leaders to take that place.

Last summer the Holy Spirit spoke to me concerning the American Church, He said, "Jeremiah 23 because Jermeiah 28 is coming."

False Leadership and False Prophets are going to be getting exposed at an unprecidented rate, some will end up in messy court cases, some will end up losing their families, others will end up in prison, and some will even lose more.

For many years now their has been an epodemic of false prophets in the Church, these false prophets speak the same way the false prophets have always spoken and they say the same kinds of things they have always said. Consequently the audience hasn't changed much either.

Bible Refferences

**Jeremiah 23 Scripture refferences...

* Jeremiah 23: 1-6 (5 and 6 included for Messianic prophecy because I couldnt help it)

* Jeremiah 23:9-12

* Jeremiah 23:14-18

* Jeremiah 23:20-22

* Jeremiah 23:25-32 (emphasis on v29)

** Other Scripture refferences

* Jeremiah Chapter 28

* 2 Timothy 4:2-3

* Ephesians 5:11-15

**Scripture refferences on Church discipline (including Elders)

* Matthew 18:15-20

* 1 Corinthians 6:1-8

* 1 Timothy 5:19-22

* Jeremiah's 70 year exile prophecy: Jeremiah 25:11-12, Daniel 9:2(also 9:24)

* King Cyrus' response to the prophecy of Jeremiah at the end of 70 years (2 Chronicles 36:22-23) & (Ezra chapter 1)

* Jeremiah's 70 year exile prophecy: Jeremiah 25:11-12, Daniel 9:2(also 9:24)

* King Cyrus' response to the prophecy of Jeremiah at the end of 70 years (2 Chronicles 36:22-23) & (Ezra chapter 1)

~ See part 2 of this video - The Chessboard and the Bride


The Chessboard and the Bride - A prophetic word