Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast

Today I was asked by a friend a question that many have asked me before. The question is; "When the mark of the beast is instituted, will people be 'forced' to take it?"

This is a very good question and because I get asked this question a lot I wanted to share my answer with my social media friends. My friend however had a stipulation on my answer, he wanted the answer in the shortest straight to the point manner as he knows me well enough to know that my fingers get very long winded on a keyboard....LOL!

So here is the quick three point answer, if you want the long answer you have to pay for the book...ROLF!

1) Revelation 13:11-18 - These scriptures talk about the False prophet and his role in the end times, the scriptures tell us what things he will do, his relationship to the anti-christ (which proves he isnt the anti-christ), and the things he will institute.

Revelation 13:16-18 Reveals that he will "cause" or "causeth" all to recieve a mark on their right hand or forehead, it doesn't say we will "force" but rather he will "cause". Verse 17 goes on to say that the way he will enforce this statute is to provide that no one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast. He will use coersion, but force is not there in these passages of scripture.

For the Christian who is fully dependant on God and separated from their dependancy of this world it is the ultimate in standing with Jesus as our "source" for life and not the world system.Verse 18 goes on to further define the mark of the beast and that would be a small book to explain, but it is necessary definition.

2) Revelation 14:9-13 - Verses 9 and 10 tell us from declaration of an Angel of God that if anyone takes the mark of the beast that they will suffer the wrath of God mixed in full strength. Notice the "wrath of God" is not the "great tribulation" but is clearly defined in verses 10 and 11 as the "eternal fire and brimstone" meaning eternal damnation in hell. These verses make it clear that if you take the mark of the beast OR worship the beast or his image that there is no redemption for the one who does this. It is important also to note that taking the mark of the beast and worshipping the beast and his image are almost always in the same section of scripture as the two will be required synonomously by those who want to be a part of the new World System which is the Government of the beast or anti christ.

Two things are very important here. First, in verse 9 it says "IF" anyone worships the beast or his image and recieves a mark on his forhead or his hand. The word "IF" indicates choice as well.

Secondly, in verse 12 it says that the perserverance of the Saints is to keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus, which means just like Shadrach, Mesach, and Abedneco who defied King Nebucadnessers command to bow to his image, we will keep the commandments of God even though punishment may be a result as an edict from the rulers. AND, so very important, as many of us no matter how Christian we are, we have a lot of faith in this world to save us, which keeps us from walking in full faith in Jesus...But verse 12 is talking about the Saints who keep the commandments of God AND their Faith in Jesus! BUT the fact that we avoid the mark of the beast by keeping the commandments of God and our faith in Jesus is proof that it will be a choice and not a forced edict...Even though it will be something that makes us have to "perservere."

3) Revelation 20:4 In this passage of scripture it is revealed that litterally there will be martyrdom for those who had not recieved the mark of the beast on their right hand or forhead, and who refused to worship the beast or his image (Revelation 6:9-11 supports this), those people also were killed for the Word of God and the Word of their Testimony (supported by Revelation 12:11). The fact that they were killed for their refusal to take the mark of the beast on their right hand or forhead, and because they would not worship the beast or his image, is once again proof that this edict will not be forced, but through coersion and even the death penalty it will be required if you want to be a part of the World system....But for us our Kingdom is not here, and this is why we will reign with Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

Daniel Paul


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