A Letter to the divided Church

One crowd cries out, "repent, repent!" the other cries out, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" or "when Heaven invades Earth!" Many of these groups are offended at the entirety of the message of the other whether they admit it or not. One group is exited to see new Believers enter into the Kingdom and knows repentance leads to salvation, the other group is excited to see their faith manifest in power, the way Jesus said it would if we believe. And the discipleship they lead people into reflects their divided ideologies.
How will the Church ever be able to understand Christ or His Word when it is so divided over the simplicity of His Gospel? Do we really need another 300 page revelatory novel on either of these truths when we refuse to come together over this simple declaration? Yes, yes! It is true the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and His power is available to all who believe. But the message and demonstration of power call the world to repent of the sin that is destroying them and leading them to death. There is no salvation to be found without repentance, and there is no true faith that we can walk in that is devoid of power.
Until these two camps come together we will not see the revival both camps are hoping for.
Remember the Gospel that Jesus preached before the cross could not be about His death, His resurrection, His blood, or that the Holy Spirit had come. These are all very important to salvation and the life of the believer, but none of these things had happened yet. The message both John the Baptist before Him and the message Jesus also preached could be summed up in the simple statement that they both declared....Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is here!
(Matthew 4:17)
~ Daniel Paul ~


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