The Sailboat

June 8, 2022

Last night as the Holy Spirit was talking to me about the next move of God knowing it will come in a time of civil unrest, lack, persecution, etc.
At the same time His Spirit will be moving on His people and the wind will be strong and powerful.
I could see in my spirit a strong well made sail boat it had been made a long time ago. Then I saw the wind hit the sail boat, the wind was a hard, constant, unrelenting. The sail filled with the wind and looked like it would tear the sail off or break the mast because the ship had been anchored. The boat was being pushed so hard that the back of the boat where the anchor was connected was starting to tear apart. Then I heard, "You are either an anchor or a sail"
I knew the boat to be the Church or so I I looked I was backed up from what I was seeing to see a long line of sail boats, it was the Church but also many different ministries, denominations, groups, and even individuals. Some of them (most of them) would not let go of the anchor and their ship was torn apart, others were trying to pull the anchor but they couldn't handle the power of the wind, while others had so much faith in their boat that they believed the wind couldn't hurt it....they all suffered ship wreak. (1 Timothy 1: 18-20)
Then I saw a large two sided axe like a fellers axe only designed for war(reminding me of Hebrews 4:12)and it swung hard against the anchors of the remaining ships and cut the chains of the anchors causing division and separation between the boat and the anchor which set the ships free but also with no way to control where the boats could dock or where they could anchor so that they were now completely relying on the wind...... (John 3: 1-8, in fact read 1-15 because 3:16 is only true for those who walk in 1-15)
This isn't about what's coming this isn't a message to prepare for it is for right now. The stubborn anchors had a season to repent and turn. In the coming move of God no one, no ministry, no individual will feel like they are in control, you won't be able to control or manipulate the boats, you won't be able to dock and party for a day let alone for generations.....

- Daniel Paul -


The Abomination of False Balance


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